Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 33 - The Beginning of The End

It seems as if it was just yesterday that we landed in Wuhan. In a blink of an eye, all 5 weeks have passed and the day of our return is drawing nearer. I'm overwhelmed with a myriad of emotions. I'm happy that I'd finally be able to get back to Singapore to see my family and friends. But I'm sad that I'd be leaving this wonderful land behind. From the cool weather to the even cooler company, I'd miss the gossiping, the goofing and the shopping.

Anyway, today I went out with Houng Sheng, Yu Chuan, Hao Teng, Zhen Zhao, Eliza, Sheila, Joanna, Jiali, Yuhaw, Yang Tao Zheng Na and Xiao Gang for our last shopping trip. First, we went for lunch at Pu Bu Xiang. It appeared to me like a typical wet market in Singapore with the only difference being that they are selling cook food instead of raw vegetables, meat and seafood. The moment we entered the place, the wafting smell of different foods mixed together surrounded me. It was interesting to see so many food stalls lined up and selling a wide variety of food. Sheila and I shared this green tea + red bean paste thing. It was nice. Oh how I wish I bought more. :/

Then, we headed to one of the malls we have previously been to. I was actually disappointed because I wanted to go somewhere new. It was our last day in Wuhan and I wanted to see more of what the city has to offer. But it was better than nothing. Walking around, I managed to get souvenirs for people back in Singapore. Also, remembering how Wuhan has a lot more variety of flavors of food than in Singapore, the whole lot of us bought a trolleys full of food to bring back to Singapore. The local people gave us strange looks but it was worth it.

We had dinner at Ajisen afterwards and I don't know why, but mine was the only bowl that came in the shape of a heart.

Wanting to head back via the fastest way possible, we tried to hail cabs but failed miserably. Only after following Yang Tao's and Xiao Gang's lead did we manage to get a cab. We got back late anyway.

Because we would be leaving for the airport early in the morning tomorrow, Sheila and I decided to have food from the Muslim La Mien stall for the last time. [there was a doggie in da haus O.O]

I will definitely miss Wuhan Spending 5 weeks here has made me develop [weirdly enough] a sense of belonging. Alright, with packing to do, I shall continue blogging tomorrow (:

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