Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 20

After much contemplation, I decided to tag along for the trip to the theme park. I initially was against the idea seeing the amount of work I had waiting for me. On top of that, it was their Golden Week in China and thinking of the amount of people around really put me off. But I decided to go anyway because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Upon reaching, I was slightly confused to see that the access to the theme park wasn’t pay per entry like how theme parks usually are. Over here, it's pay per ride. I’d find the prices steep if I were a native/local Chinese. Just sayin'.

I only tried 3 of the rides because the others didn't seem thrilling enough. Even so, it wasn't as gripping as I expected it to be.

This ride would have me screaming if it had been longer than how it was. In other words, it was too short and a very huge anti-climax.

The ride in the picture above was the most fun I believe there was at the park. On top of it swinging like a pendulum, we were being rotated constantly with our height from the ground getting higher and higher. This ride still wasn't enough for me but it left some feeling sick.

Reflection: All in all, the day was a fun one. I'm glad I didn't coop myself up in the room to do my assignments and study because that isn't the sole reason why I came to China. Sometimes, I have to learn to loosen up and learn to enjoy things because if not, I'd miss out on a lot of things. Also, this trip bonded us more as we could spend time together without the added weight of shopping bags and tired feet from walking around too much.

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