Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 32

Part 1

With our trip coming to an end, our schedules were rather packed with events involving the local students. In the morning the guys had a friendly basketball match at the courts behind the hostel.

Our guys

Both sides

Them at play

The [inaccurate] score.

The Chinese students won the match but to make it look nicer, Zheng Na played with the numbers to make it seem as if it was a tie - just for the camera.

Part 2

In the evening, we had dinner Golden Hans. It was a farewell dinner for us to thank the local students for their hospitality and for guiding us through these 5 weeks.

A group photo of us girls.

Being the usual nutcases we are.

Eliza, Jiali and I before the dinner.

Shen Ping and I

Zhi Peng and I

A family portrait. [lulz]

Reflection: All the places we've went, all the fun times we had, it would not have been made possible without the local students. They welcomed us with open arms and showed us around Wuhan. Even though I didn't get the opportunity to interact with them much, whatever little memories we have shared will remain with me.

Zhi Peng said that he'd be coming over to Singapore to study next year. I look forward to reciprocating his hospitality and to welcome him and his friends when they come over here.

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