Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 22

What I am going to blog about today might be a very sensitive and controversial topic but I feel that these people have to be treated as equals too. Being that way is not a choice but it just is the way how certain people are. I know science isn't the answer to everything but this website and a few others have explanations as to why these people deviate from what our culture deems as normal and appropriate. Today, I'm going to blog about the LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual] Community.

While Jiali, Eliza and the other girls had their hair done at the salon at the backstreet, I was out in the balcony for some fresh air. At the same time, I was people-watching and I happened to see 2 guys openly being affectionate with each other. From stroking each others hair to hugging, it was apparent that their sexual orientation wasn't like the most of us.

[I did not snap a photo of them for privacy reasons. I believe that people should be given their space and that you do not necessarily need a photo to tell story. It may be dry but at least it's respectful.]

In most cultures, especially Asian ones, being gay is heavily frowned upon and it might even lead to families disowning the queer member. However, the two guys were being affectionate in full view of the public and their openness really startled me. It also made me respect them because despite knowing the discrimination they face, they were not afraid to show who they truly are.

People oust things they think are abnormal or strange. But who are we to decide what is normal? Everyone has different ways of doing things and there isn't one ultimate way that people are supposed to abide by.

We are the human race. We have to put aside our differences and religious beliefs and accept others for who they truly are. I have a gay friend and he is even more fun and creative than a bunch of straight people put together. Because he isn't seen as 'normal', sometimes people find it hard to accept him despite his wit.

Like one of our NE Messages:
We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.
We provide opportunities for all, according to their ability and effort.
A person's sexual orientation is no reflection of how their work performance are. Whether people are straight or whether they are not, everyone should be given the same opportunity according to their ability and effort. To

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