Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 24

Today, we had a barbecue with the China students and it was thanks to them that the event was made possible.

Walking along the usual jogging route, the barbecue was little further than that and the whole of us were divided into 3 groups. One was way ahead, the other [mine] was wedged in the middle and the last group was lagging far at the back.

Upon reaching, we threw our bags together on the floor and went to the tables to see what was going on. The local students and some of us were preparing the food that was to be barbecued. From chicken gizzards to hotdogs, cabbage to cucumbers, the variety of food there was quite large.

Seeing how there were enough hands around and there wasn't a place where I could jump in and help, Brenda and I went to lie on the hammock.

After eating and all, I walked around with Shi Ling and I couldn't help but notice the active life the Chinese people lead. In the park alone, there was a roller skating rink, a basketball court, a badminton court, table tennis tables, and also a pool table.

Reflection: It was really nice for the local students to prepare the event for us. They took charge of bringing the food and also the preparation of the pits.

They way they do things here varies from how things are done back at home. Usually, barbecues in Singapore are held at night over drinks and games but they hold their barbecues here in the afternoon instead. One thing is for sure though, it's where friends have fun without worrying about things.

Besides that, I have observed that despite their huge portions of food, people here in Wuhan [China too perhaps?] are not obese. It is likely due to their active lifestyle which keeps them healthy and fit.

No matter how busy their day may be, these people will always manage to squeeze in some form of sports in their day. On campus, it can be seen that the students play badminton till late [near our study block] after their classes.

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