Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 28

The 2nd last lecture we're going to have for Project Management. For this lecture, Miss Hock had us try out an activity. She wanted us to build a bridge sturdy enough to hold the thick books that she had with her. It had to be of moderate length and the tricky part was that we had to make it entirely ourt of paper and paperclips. Nothing more, nothing less.

We were stumped at first but we managed to get past it and produce this:

Our length wasn't satisfactory but the strength of the bridge was up to [if not exceeded] our expectations. The little thing managed to hold up 5 thick books and a bottle. Not bad, not bad at all

The four of us headed to Pala after class to have lunch together and upon returning, we had to continue doing our project. The entire day was rather rushed as we had two things to complete.
1. Our project
2. Material for the cultural performance

Reflection: I felt that the activity in our Project Management lecture was a rather brilliant idea. It required a lot of teamwork and cooperation from the members and it was also fun at the same time. If I was asked to carry out this activity alone, it certainly would have taken more time. This experience has showed me that working in teams has its benefits because it is then that we can pool our ideas together and produce the best solution to a problem. Also, I find that the activity bonded us because we were having fun together. Besides that, instead of having usual boring lectures, this is a better method to engage students and capture their attention. Sometimes, we all need a little change here and there.

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