Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 30

Today was our final lecture for Project Management and it seems like time has flown by really fast. We're approaching the end of this trip soon and I'm not sure whether it's something I'm looking forward to. Sure, I do miss the people and things back in Singapore but I've forged a bond with these people in Wuhan too. We started out as strangers and now we can kid about anything and rely on each other for support.

Well, the last day of class, the first day I've been to the school canteen. I've never tried the food there because I find the payment system very troublesome.

After class, Sheila, Agnes, Joanna and a few others decided to do their hair. Accompanying the lot, Eudora, Michelle and I went to the salon with them. Having decided their respective hair colors and hair styles, the three of us left the group and met up with Houng Sheng, Nicholas and Yu Haw. With no agenda to follow, we all decided to go to the flea market on 7th street. But before that, we went to have steak at Houcaller.

Our hopes of going to the flea market was dampened by the rain. Only a handful of stalls were open and it was a huge disappointment.

Reflection: Having our last lecture today, I think I would really miss waking up a little later thanks to the distance we stay from the study block. I neither had to worry about being late nor get stuck in annoying traffic jams to get back home. Well, all good things do have to come to an end and this is it.

With four days left of the trip, I can't help but feel attached to Wuhan already. The weather, the culture, the people, the food. There are still plenty of things I haven't but would very much like to try.

As much as I am ashamed to admit this, I think I would miss Wuhan when I get back to Singapore.

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