Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 31

With lessons over, we had the day to ourselves to spend freely. So, Sheila, Jiali, Yuhaw, Eliza, Yuchuan, Houng Sheng and I decided to go out to shop. We headed to 江汉路 [Because I don't know Chinese, I'm copying this from Jiali's blog] via cab.

We had brunch at Dicos and headed for Metersbonswe shortly after. It turned out to be a shopping trip for the guys rather than us girls. Yuhaw got a faux leather jacket after much persuasion and Houng Sheng bought a pair of jeans that made him look significantly younger than usual [he dresses like an uncle. shhh.]

Sheila and I were looking for souvenirs to bring back to Singapore and I couldn't help but feel that we're pressed for time. We're flying back to Singapore in 3 days time! However, with the chilly weather and drizzle, we weren't in the best of moods to walk around more. So we headed to Starbucks to relax for a while before dinner. Because the it was rather cold, I ordered their Signature Hot Chocolate. I needed to warm my body up and due to my haste, I scalded my tongue.

We walked around the shopping mall a little and I got shirts from Elle for my brothers.

Afterwards, we all headed for dinner at the Korean Barbecue place we tried the other time around.

Reflection: These people [besides Jiali, Eliza and Yuchuan] were perfect strangers to me 5 weeks ago. With all the time that we've spent together on the trip, we've gotten closer to each other and built friendships that hopefully, will last for a long time.

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