Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 17

The day was fully utilized for the preparation of our interim project presentation. It had everyone rushing to complete their AON diagrams and Gantt Charts. People were shuffling from one room to another to have their project meetings and it certainly left us all famished.

Having been introduced to vegetarian food by Han Hui, we usually call for delivery along with him. So when we learned that the boss was offering us [HH, YH and HS] a free hotpot dinner at the vegetarian restaurant, we all tagged along because the food there isn't all that bad. The group of us went - even people that have never eaten there before. I felt that somehow, we were taking advantage of the situation and it wasn't very nice. But I guess the boss of the place didn't exactly mind. He was being really hospitable and arranged more seats to accommodate us all.

Reflection: It's rare to be received with such good hospitality back at home. Besides Zac's Place near Arab Street, I've never been to a place where I've been treated so well [well, at Zac's we don't get free food. just heavily discounted]. Having taken Customer Relationship Management last semester, it's a real example of how relationship marketing can bring you better business. If a business goes the extra mile to establish a relationship with its customer, it's highly likely that the customer would frequent the place. Also,

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