Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 18

Here we are on the 18th day of the trip. Things can start to get a little mundane if you don't know how to find things to do [besides school work and blogging]. So when a suggestion of going to the KTV lounge popped up, I agreed without much hesitation. After all, I've never been to one. So off to my virgin KTV trip we went!

We had dinner at McDonald's first only to find that the wonderful weather we had earlier on was playing hide and seek with us. It started to rain but it didn't dampen our spirits. Eliza and Yu Haw booked the place earlier so after dinner, we all headed there.

Costing 480rmb, we had a whole room to ourselves and albeit the somewhat off-key singing, it was a great deal of fun. I never have figured that going to a KTV lounge would ever be any more interesting than sitting at a coffeeshop but I guess I was proved wrong today. I thought that a place like that would be for old people to sing their lives away but I should have never been so quick to judge.

Reflection: Previously, I have never been inclined to try singing at KTV lounges. Every time an offer comes up, I'd be quick to turn it down. Perhaps it's because of how the television portrays these kind of places and also my parents' strong dislike towards adults who bother wasting time at said place. Sometimes, you can't help but to generalise the certain type of people who go to a certain type of place because of the negative experience that you've faced. However, the flaw in that is people are not alike. The reason why I didn't turn down this offer was because I'm on a foreign land and I find that I'd be at a loss if I intend to stay within my comfort zone.

Truth be told, I don't see myself as an adult and going to lounges to sing just because. It's a temporary thing with friends to let loose and laugh inwardly at each others' horrid singing. After all, we're only young once. Like Jason Mraz's latest album; We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things~ [No, we didn't steal things. We sang. We danced. That's it.]

When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did." H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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