Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 26 & 27

Day 26


The moment we arrived, we all had lunch at a restaurant nearby. The food there was okay and never missing the tomato egg dish.

After lunch, we had a bus tour around the mountains where we sampled tea and explored the place.

Walking around the place, my gastric hit me. So Joanna accompanied me to sit at one corner where we talked to the tour guide. After the talk, I was glad that to find out that the cable cars weren't functional. I'd rather climb the mountain than be on the cable car.

When my stomach got better, Jo and I walked around and we got to the wishing tree. We bought the red strip and tied it to the tree. I'm not a person who usually believes in this sort of thing but it wouldn't hurt to try it out.

Day 27

Today was a real accomplishment for me because I didn’t think it was possible or me to reach the top. Let me be honest here and say I’m not the fittest of people. The highest hill I’ve ever climbed is the Bukit Timah Hill that I go to with my mum when we have the time. So this was indeed a milestone for me.

While on the climb up, I saw the top of the mountain and it was really daunting. It had me close to giving up but then I realized that I’ve already come this far. Giving up would be rather pointless. Also, from what I’ve heard, previous batches didn’t have everyone reach the summit and I didn’t want it to be the case this time around. Because we all set off in our own groups, one person stopping would prevent the whole group from going up. I don’t believe it’s fair so I pressed on and pushed myself. After all, you never really truly know your limit if you don’t [push yourself].

Seeing the old men carrying up heavy loads of water and other stuff, I didn’t see why I should struggle climbing up with my stupid bag. It’s nothing in comparison and I’m a much younger person with so much more energy. Having to carry up loads more than 100kg, I find it really commendable.

There was this old man who was struggling with his load and it was a pitiful sight. True enough, it’s his job but sometimes, people aren’t all that strong or some factors could have contributed to fatigue. Being totally wiped out myself, I couldn’t offer any help when he asked us to help him. The guys however, split up the goods and carried it up for the old man. This laborious job doesn’t earn much but these people still do it because they need the money.

Almost there, Group B and us were happy that even though we started out the last, we ended up reaching the top first. Edward's and Yu Chuan's group would've reached before us but being the good people they are, they helped an elderly woman up the steps.

Looking at the view below us, I found it really breathtaking. The post for today, Day 27 is a reflection on its own so I don't think I would have that part here.

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