Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 29

Finally, after our frantic moments rushing to complete the project, we had our final presentation today. It was a relief to have one more thing to cross of my to-do list. The presentation in Mr Chia's room went smoothly and it lifted a heavy load off my shoulders. It made me / us feel good and the final preparation for the cultural performance was carried out.
The girls' Nobody dance finally fell into place and it seemed like we were prepared for the big showdown. Also, our group performance, the Wayang Kulit was settled it was time to finally unveil our masterpiece.

Here are the photos of the whole cultural performance
The snacks that were given on our desks.

Group D: Led by Yu Chuan. With Yi Xian, Sheila and Edward. They sang Kit Chan's Home and it really did make me miss home.
Group E: Eliza's team with Michelle, Houng Sheng, Agnes and Eudora. They danced while Eliza sang Reach Out For the Sky by Taufik Batisah and Rui En.

The LSCT kids presenting their skit on life as a student in Ngee Ann and Singapore.

Our Nobody dance.

Group B: Shi Ling's group who presented on Singapore's traditional games. Along with Zhen Zhao, Hao Teng and Wei Lin.

The A- team with their cat walk in Singapore's ethnic costumes.

And not to forget, my group, Group C with our Wayang Kulit

Reflection: I remember dreading the time I had to practice the Nobody dance. Dancing has never been my interest and having to do it and standing in the front row most of the time, put me off really bad. I may have been a member of ELDDFS but I still do suffer from stage fright. Having executed the dance [though not the best], I feel proud of myself because despite my strong dislike for the art, I still gave it my best and tried it. It wasn't all that bad after all.

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