Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 34

The initial plan to party the night away was rather...shortlived. Sheila and Eliza slept first followed by Yu Chuan, Joanna, Michelle and Houng Sheng. The three survivors were Jiali, Yuhaw and I but then I KO-ed when Jiali went to bathe. So, the only two people that really stayed up the entire last night we were there are Yuhaw and Jiali.

We had street food for one last time and when we got back, the entire lobby was in a frenzy.

Plastic Bags littered the floor and everyone was rushing to weigh their luggage one last time.

Room 220. The place I referred to as "Home" during the entire trip. I'd be, "Eh, do we still have yoghurt at home?" or "Shucks, I left my phone at home!" It's funny how easily I referred to this room as home.

Leaving the campus, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness.

At the airport, we bade farewell to the Chinese students.

It wasn't soon before we reached Singapore. Upon our landing, our MDE group sang Home together. The trip has made me realise how lucky I am to be a Singaporean so when we sang that song, my voice sorta got stuck in my throat. [Don't judge me. Sometimes people get emotional okay].

Frankly, I dreaded this trip after finding out that it would be largely ISCM [International Supply Chain Management] dominated. Even though I already knew most of them from Camp Fusion 2010, we weren't close and I'm not exactly the best at introducing myself to relatively new people. However, this trip has enabled me to open up more and foster stronger bonds with other MDE people.

I guess the reason why I enjoyed this trip so much is because of the company. We climbed Wu Dang Shan together in really cold weather, We stayed up to watch the locks on the 3 Gorges River Cruise together despite the drizzle, We go absolutely crazy over the cute satay boy together.
We sang, we danced, we stole things [Yes, referring to Jason Mraz's album again]. Okay, wait we didn't steal things.

I've learnt plenty and I have also come to realise how warm and hospitable the Chinese are. From the Vegetarian Boss to the Bubble Tea Girl, we have been treated very nicely from the start up till the end of the trip. Even though these people were actually perfect strangers, they made a conscious effort to provide you with the best service. It isn't the case here in Singapore. On the day that the guys tried out multiple pairs of jeans, the sales person had to walk to and from the fitting rooms to get the perfect pair quite a number of times but he still had a smile on his face. In Singapore, once they see that you're a student and when you've had too many to try, they start being rude and display poor customer service attitudes. Even with the GEMS thing in place, customer service at certain places were still unsatisfactory. So far, in China, I have never had any negative experiences.

On a separate note altogether, I hope Singapore would implement the payment for plastic bags at grocery stores and step up our efforts in protecting the environment. It doesn't hurt to be green. We'd only be protecting our own planet.

- I would most definitely jump at the opportunity to go on another trip like this. Besides the things that I would be able to learn, being with friends overseas lets us bond more because all we have is each other to rely on. Also, being on a foreign land, there is so much more of the world for us to discover. I am not a creature of habit and I have to have things change slightly for me to function at my best. Going on another trip like this would keep things fresh for me and would also widen my perspective on the world.

And who knows, I might even be able to converse fluently in Chinese one day. [Or get a Chinese boyfriend. hahahah]

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 33 - The Beginning of The End

It seems as if it was just yesterday that we landed in Wuhan. In a blink of an eye, all 5 weeks have passed and the day of our return is drawing nearer. I'm overwhelmed with a myriad of emotions. I'm happy that I'd finally be able to get back to Singapore to see my family and friends. But I'm sad that I'd be leaving this wonderful land behind. From the cool weather to the even cooler company, I'd miss the gossiping, the goofing and the shopping.

Anyway, today I went out with Houng Sheng, Yu Chuan, Hao Teng, Zhen Zhao, Eliza, Sheila, Joanna, Jiali, Yuhaw, Yang Tao Zheng Na and Xiao Gang for our last shopping trip. First, we went for lunch at Pu Bu Xiang. It appeared to me like a typical wet market in Singapore with the only difference being that they are selling cook food instead of raw vegetables, meat and seafood. The moment we entered the place, the wafting smell of different foods mixed together surrounded me. It was interesting to see so many food stalls lined up and selling a wide variety of food. Sheila and I shared this green tea + red bean paste thing. It was nice. Oh how I wish I bought more. :/

Then, we headed to one of the malls we have previously been to. I was actually disappointed because I wanted to go somewhere new. It was our last day in Wuhan and I wanted to see more of what the city has to offer. But it was better than nothing. Walking around, I managed to get souvenirs for people back in Singapore. Also, remembering how Wuhan has a lot more variety of flavors of food than in Singapore, the whole lot of us bought a trolleys full of food to bring back to Singapore. The local people gave us strange looks but it was worth it.

We had dinner at Ajisen afterwards and I don't know why, but mine was the only bowl that came in the shape of a heart.

Wanting to head back via the fastest way possible, we tried to hail cabs but failed miserably. Only after following Yang Tao's and Xiao Gang's lead did we manage to get a cab. We got back late anyway.

Because we would be leaving for the airport early in the morning tomorrow, Sheila and I decided to have food from the Muslim La Mien stall for the last time. [there was a doggie in da haus O.O]

I will definitely miss Wuhan Spending 5 weeks here has made me develop [weirdly enough] a sense of belonging. Alright, with packing to do, I shall continue blogging tomorrow (:

Day 32

Part 1

With our trip coming to an end, our schedules were rather packed with events involving the local students. In the morning the guys had a friendly basketball match at the courts behind the hostel.

Our guys

Both sides

Them at play

The [inaccurate] score.

The Chinese students won the match but to make it look nicer, Zheng Na played with the numbers to make it seem as if it was a tie - just for the camera.

Part 2

In the evening, we had dinner Golden Hans. It was a farewell dinner for us to thank the local students for their hospitality and for guiding us through these 5 weeks.

A group photo of us girls.

Being the usual nutcases we are.

Eliza, Jiali and I before the dinner.

Shen Ping and I

Zhi Peng and I

A family portrait. [lulz]

Reflection: All the places we've went, all the fun times we had, it would not have been made possible without the local students. They welcomed us with open arms and showed us around Wuhan. Even though I didn't get the opportunity to interact with them much, whatever little memories we have shared will remain with me.

Zhi Peng said that he'd be coming over to Singapore to study next year. I look forward to reciprocating his hospitality and to welcome him and his friends when they come over here.

Day 31

With lessons over, we had the day to ourselves to spend freely. So, Sheila, Jiali, Yuhaw, Eliza, Yuchuan, Houng Sheng and I decided to go out to shop. We headed to 江汉路 [Because I don't know Chinese, I'm copying this from Jiali's blog] via cab.

We had brunch at Dicos and headed for Metersbonswe shortly after. It turned out to be a shopping trip for the guys rather than us girls. Yuhaw got a faux leather jacket after much persuasion and Houng Sheng bought a pair of jeans that made him look significantly younger than usual [he dresses like an uncle. shhh.]

Sheila and I were looking for souvenirs to bring back to Singapore and I couldn't help but feel that we're pressed for time. We're flying back to Singapore in 3 days time! However, with the chilly weather and drizzle, we weren't in the best of moods to walk around more. So we headed to Starbucks to relax for a while before dinner. Because the it was rather cold, I ordered their Signature Hot Chocolate. I needed to warm my body up and due to my haste, I scalded my tongue.

We walked around the shopping mall a little and I got shirts from Elle for my brothers.

Afterwards, we all headed for dinner at the Korean Barbecue place we tried the other time around.

Reflection: These people [besides Jiali, Eliza and Yuchuan] were perfect strangers to me 5 weeks ago. With all the time that we've spent together on the trip, we've gotten closer to each other and built friendships that hopefully, will last for a long time.

Day 30

Today was our final lecture for Project Management and it seems like time has flown by really fast. We're approaching the end of this trip soon and I'm not sure whether it's something I'm looking forward to. Sure, I do miss the people and things back in Singapore but I've forged a bond with these people in Wuhan too. We started out as strangers and now we can kid about anything and rely on each other for support.

Well, the last day of class, the first day I've been to the school canteen. I've never tried the food there because I find the payment system very troublesome.

After class, Sheila, Agnes, Joanna and a few others decided to do their hair. Accompanying the lot, Eudora, Michelle and I went to the salon with them. Having decided their respective hair colors and hair styles, the three of us left the group and met up with Houng Sheng, Nicholas and Yu Haw. With no agenda to follow, we all decided to go to the flea market on 7th street. But before that, we went to have steak at Houcaller.

Our hopes of going to the flea market was dampened by the rain. Only a handful of stalls were open and it was a huge disappointment.

Reflection: Having our last lecture today, I think I would really miss waking up a little later thanks to the distance we stay from the study block. I neither had to worry about being late nor get stuck in annoying traffic jams to get back home. Well, all good things do have to come to an end and this is it.

With four days left of the trip, I can't help but feel attached to Wuhan already. The weather, the culture, the people, the food. There are still plenty of things I haven't but would very much like to try.

As much as I am ashamed to admit this, I think I would miss Wuhan when I get back to Singapore.

Day 29

Finally, after our frantic moments rushing to complete the project, we had our final presentation today. It was a relief to have one more thing to cross of my to-do list. The presentation in Mr Chia's room went smoothly and it lifted a heavy load off my shoulders. It made me / us feel good and the final preparation for the cultural performance was carried out.
The girls' Nobody dance finally fell into place and it seemed like we were prepared for the big showdown. Also, our group performance, the Wayang Kulit was settled it was time to finally unveil our masterpiece.

Here are the photos of the whole cultural performance
The snacks that were given on our desks.

Group D: Led by Yu Chuan. With Yi Xian, Sheila and Edward. They sang Kit Chan's Home and it really did make me miss home.
Group E: Eliza's team with Michelle, Houng Sheng, Agnes and Eudora. They danced while Eliza sang Reach Out For the Sky by Taufik Batisah and Rui En.

The LSCT kids presenting their skit on life as a student in Ngee Ann and Singapore.

Our Nobody dance.

Group B: Shi Ling's group who presented on Singapore's traditional games. Along with Zhen Zhao, Hao Teng and Wei Lin.

The A- team with their cat walk in Singapore's ethnic costumes.

And not to forget, my group, Group C with our Wayang Kulit

Reflection: I remember dreading the time I had to practice the Nobody dance. Dancing has never been my interest and having to do it and standing in the front row most of the time, put me off really bad. I may have been a member of ELDDFS but I still do suffer from stage fright. Having executed the dance [though not the best], I feel proud of myself because despite my strong dislike for the art, I still gave it my best and tried it. It wasn't all that bad after all.