Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 7 & 8

Day 7

I'm actually a person who loves history but don't know why but during this OIE lesson, I felt really tired and the whole row of us fell asleep. This photo was taken during our 10 minute break. The furthest from the camera would be Wei Lin, Eudora, Michelle, Eliza, Brenda, Me and Jiali. The only reason why my eyes are open is because Sheila is such a noisy camera woman. Right, Nyonya S?

After class, we left our current WUST campus for the new one which was located an hour [bus ride] away.

The campus was much cleaner and comfortable-looking and it had nicer looking buildings. We as a group, we all headed to the Science section of the campus where anatomies of the human body filled the entire room. Body parts were separated into categories and I didn't realize that it was real until 5 minutes into the 'exhibition'. Having been to Bodyworks before, the exhibits didn't exactly cause discomfort but just an irrational fear that the dead might suddenly open their eyes and wake up like those in zombie movies. I know it's illogical but a little imagination wouldn't hurt. I wonder though, all the bodies there, were they being sliced open and put on display with their consent or are they homeless people on the street who died and had nobody to claim their bodies? I wonder whether that wing of the building has a lot of unusual, creepy activity in the night. [I'm not going to put the photos on here because they are really very graphic and it might freak out some. Also, the dead deserve their respect.]

I can't exactly remember what happened when we got back but after my shower, I was sitting on the bed, with my laptop on my crossed legs, talking to Yu Haw on MSN. I was asking for Milo sachets because I haven't had Milo in a while. I wanted to go down and get them but he said it was fine and that he'd deliver it up. I didn't think much of it because I thought he was being nice [for once. hahahahah. i kid!] so when there was a knock on the door, the last thing I expected was a the whole MDE 5th OIP group outside my door with Mr Chia holding a birthday cake. Frankly, that was my first time getting a birthday surprise. [Don't judge~ I know I'm old but birthdays for me are the same every year.]

I didn't know what to do and because I'm the most awkward person in the entire universe, I was silent. [Sorry I wasn't all dramatic and crying and screaming. It would have been nice to have a little scene there though]

It was a pleasant surprise because the whole day through, only 2 of the people on the trip wished me Happy Birthday. It was exactly on the stroke of midnight that Jiali and Sheila jumped on my bed to give me a hug and wished me happy birthday. It wasn't actually their plan but because we were all teary-eyed babies and missing home Jiali decided to wish me to cheer me up. [read: her mistaking me for Sheila and saying, "eh, i think we better wish her happy birthday to cheer her up." it had me doubled over in laughter to see her face when she realised she was talking to the wrong person.]

Here are the photos:

Thank you all for the surprise. & the cake. & the gifts. I didn't expect anyone to remember it. I really appreciate it and thanks to the people who planned the surprise :)

Day 8

We had our OIE lesson in the morning and it was conducted by the other lecturer. She was the one that brought us around the classes on the 2nd day. I could concentrate to her lessons better as compared to the other lecturer. Perhaps it's because their way of teaching varies. The new lecturer made us do this puzzle thingy where she gave us a map of China and we were to stick on the names of the parts of China.

Besides that, we also learnt about the rivers, the lakes that exist in China as well as in Hubei / Wuhan. We then left for lunch and headed for the Project Management class.

Reflection: In Singapore, the only river we have would be the Singapore river. It just is a very big canal where trade was carried out in the past and where people can take boat rides in present day. Being a former Geography student, I found it interesting. Okay, honestly, I've been doing plenty of comparisons against Singapore and China and I think it's getting a little old. So I would just wrap up the entire first week.

Initially, I wasn't looking forward to the trip at all. It was due to:
1. separating from my family
2. having to do my own washing and cleaning
3. the bipolar weather

Up to Day 8, the weather has been really warm and it was almost impossible to go anywhere without seeing people fan themselves or hearing people say "very hot!". But the weather would be the last thing on anyone's mind when they make / receive calls to / from home. You just miss everyone and how things are over there. I'm one who doesn't like change but I daresay I adapt well to it.

This trip has enabled me to foster new friendships which otherwise would have been a little far fetched.

I guess I should never be too quick to judge before I actually experience the thing. So far, it has been pretty fun and enjoyable :)

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