Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 4

''Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy'' Okay seriously, no. We woke up at 7 to prepare for class. I don't usually have an actual breakfast normally but I did that morning. We packed, settled our stuff and prepared to walk over to the classroom where we'd have our OIE.

We learnt about China and the way commerce is conducted over there. Initially, the lesson appeared to have went on rather smoothly to me. However, it became disruptive after small groups of LSCT students entered the room at separate times. I don't intend to be uncouth but it annoyed me to see their lack of professionalism. To me, first impressions are really important. It shapes the way people think of you and I guess nobody likes to wait for other people. Like the phrase, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," if you don't want to have to wait on people, don't make people wait on you. [sidenote: I love how Ngee Ann is going to abolish the 15-minute rule]

Since we're having a combined lecture, their being late didn't reflect well on us MDE students too. To us, we're two separate groups and we don't really bother about each other. But to the Chinese lecturer, we're all Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic students. It is our image and reputation at stake and I just don't like the blatant disregard of basic courtesy. [Only a few of the latecomers apologised. Most didn't. How well-mannered *note sarcasm*]. Their coming in late caused apparent displeasure to the Chinese lecturer because it isn't in their culture for the latter to happen.

After our OIE lesson, we had Project Management. What was taught was exactly like what I learnt in Year 1 for Quantitative Logistics Analysis. I felt that the lesson was breeze and it probably is because of Ms Alicia Hock's clear and concise teaching.

We ended at 4-ish pm and returned to our dorm where we rested for a while. Shortly after, Eudora, Sheila and I left for Muslim food near the supermarket. We went with the Malay LSCT girls. The girls were really nice and since the menu was in Mandarin, their Chinese friend actually wrote down every single thing with the pronounciation and English translation.

Sheila and I had the Tom Yam Potato over Noodles [8.5 rmb each] while Eudora had Egg Fried Rice [7rmb]. The food tasted pretty okay but the serving is rather huge. We ended up with a lot of wastage. The next time we head there, I guess we'd share it among 3 people since the serving portions are really huge.

See these really cool bottles? They're selling at 1.5 rmb each. [ONLY 30 SINGAPORE CENTS~] It tasted pretty good and they have really thin and long straws that come along with it.

This eatery will definitely have me as a return customer because I really wish to try their other dishes and seeing how it's the only halal food place available.

All in all, from Day 4, I realised how important it really is to turn up for lectures and not stroll in whenever we see convenient. Also, during the lecture, we had constant 10 minute breaks due to the fact that the equipment had to rest after a certain period of usage. It was a major inconvenience but it made me see the difference on how they study here and how we study back home. In Singapore, we'd take advantage of such things and we'd be glad when our lessons get cut short. But over here, I just realised that it isn't all that fun because it takes away valuable time which can otherwise be used to learn.

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