Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 2

After receiving our much needed rest, we woke up to a breakfast of MacDonald’s fish fillet and cup corn. It was thanks to the trip leaders [namely Ms Alicia Hock and Mr Richard Chia] who ordered the food for us.

With breakfast done, we all had a tour of the school. We were showed where our classrooms were and had a look at the computer labs.

It was pretty decent and it seemed like it was a reasonable & comfortable place to study. Initially led by the Wuhan lecturers, we had 2 China students began to guide us around later on and they brought us out of WUST.

We headed to a supermarket somewhere around the campus where Jiali, Sheila and I went to get the essentials and ran up a bill of 271rmb. We bought pails & fruits, floor mats & tissues and had to lug it all back. But before that, we all went to eat at a restaurant near the supermarket where I shared a 4 course ‘Romantic Lovers Set’ with Shi Ling. It was a really filling feast which cost 148rmb where we calculated it to be around SGD$ 15 per person. It is way cheaper than in Singapore where it could have easily went up to 50 per person. The setting and the ambience of the place was rather warm and it gave the ‘romantic’ feel which probably influenced our choice of food.

When we were done, we all made our way back to the dormitory where the 3 of us [Jiali, Sheila and I] lounged on our beds and surfed the internet. While doing that, I couldn’t help but notice the street market at the back of our dorm.

The constant honking and loud noises attracted my attention and we went out to the balcony to see how things were. The streets were bustling with people and it somehow looked like Chinatown or whenever Singapore is about to have any important festival – like Chinese New Year or something.

At around 8.30 pm, the girls were gathered to practice the dance that we had to put on for the performance. I’ll be honest here and say that dancing is not my cup of tea [well, mainly because I'm a huge coffee drinker]. It definitely comes as a challenge to me but I see that the others are learning it just fine. Well, different people are better at different things. Although I would most certainly be glad if I had to write an article [on the performance] instead of performing, I have to take this all in stride because as Spencer Johnson said in his book, we have to be receptive to the changes around us because things doesn’t always go according to plan. Also, if we don’t open ourselves up to new things, there isn’t room to learn new things and we could be missing out on a lot of things. So, despite my being born with 2 left feet, I’m going to enjoy myself just because.

The book:

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